If I recall correctly many have banged around the ZX series cameras quite a
bit.  I think William in Utah told me about his kids being unkind to one on
more than one occasion.

Plastic does not necessarily mean of poor build quality or fragile.

Not admitting to having his ZX-5 live less than the perfect life ;-)

Panama City, Florida
in Baltimore, Maryland

-- -----Original Message-----
-- From: David Chang-Sang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 7:21 AM
-- Great..
-- Which company, I wonder, will bring out the "*ist D Body
-- Armour" to ensure
-- that folks who drop their cameras don't lose $1500 all at once.
-- Cheers,
-- Dave
-- -----Original Message-----
-- From: Alin Flaider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 7:05 AM
--   Also, according to the same source the body is plastic, thus
--   justifying the expectedly low price.
--   http://www.photim.net/PMA-2003/Pentax-ist-D.html
--   Servus,   Alin

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