At 01:25 AM 3/2/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>" Climb It! " by Jason Kiew
>You know, this shot *does* make me want to climb it.  :)  The angle is
>excellent, as was your decision to crop out the sky.  I personally would
>have gone with a smaller aperture to try to squeeze out as much DOF as I
>could, at least in the foreground.  And if you're trying for a symmetrical
>look, you could work on positioning the handrails more equally.  As it is,
>the right one doesn't quite reach to the bottom of the frame and seems a
>little tilted.  Or maybe it's the stairs that are tilted.  The shadows,
>however, are intriguing and well-documented.  Great job!  I like the
>shadows on the left railing and along the bottom of the right railing,
>too.  That telephone pole on the left isn't doing very much for me, and I
>wonder if that could be removed by using a slightly lower camera
>position.  I'm very impressed with the shadows.  For a photo taken in
>bright sunlight, you did quite well.  There's really no glare or hot spots
>in the shot, other than the house, which looks good the way you have
>it.  Congrats!

Thanks for the critique.
I was away in Central Taiwan for a 2 day excursion and can't get enough.
Basically can't get enough of this country actually.  Back to the picture,
I had only like 2 minutes before i am overwhelmed by another group of tourist
and that place is so crowed(as you can see through the right poles). Did 2 
of it, one at 17mm, the other at 35mm, so time was not on my side.
Part of the telephone wire would still be seen no matter how i move since i 
did my 2 shots
lying down with hands supported on the ground, guess only way is to remove 
it digitally.
I just like the way the shadow to form 3 patterned shape.  The sun was on 
my left, like the
8oclock position, that's how the shadow gets its shape.  I would love more 
sharpness and DOF
as you mentioned but in that situation and with people staring at you for 
lying down in front of
the stairs, i think it made me nervous a little.  I am just glad i was 
there.  Thanks once again
for your comments, appreciate them.

Jason Kiew

Snail:  Pobox 56-86, Taipei, Taiwan ROC
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