
Sunday, March 2, 2003, 11:34:28 PM, you wrote:

> On 2 Mar 2003 at 10:18, William Robb wrote:

>> Some thoughts (mine only) on craftsmanship though. A craftsman can
>> produce something from raw material with skill and little waste. In the
>> woodshop, that means not making bad cuts that cause you to waste that piece of
>> wood and start again. In the darkroom, that means being able to pull a good
>> print without going through a dozen sheets of paper to get there.

> I think that you'd do best keeping that definition of a crafts person to 
> yourself. Its referring to skill, not waste or speed. As an example a crafts 
> person might use 4 trees to produce one small rocking chair and take two years 
> to do it.

My grandfather told me that every match in a box of Swan Vestas
is hand-carved from a single tree. That's craftsmanship.



"The only joy in photography is geometry. All the rest is sentiment"
-- Henri Cartier-Bresson

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