>> File sizes increase with ISO speed.
>I would have assumed that they would decrease with increase in
>speed.  Bigger "grain" = less information.  Is this a typo or
>have I (as usual) missed something?

Hi Mike,

No typo. The above is true. I have little idea why, but....

Higher ISO is really a compensatory way of doing something electronically 
to a video image (whether still of moving). The correct term is 'gain' 
and it is increased in decibels or parts thereof. Increasing the gain of 
an image requires the electronics to do some filtering and processing 
(starting to bluff now) and storing the resultant info requires more 

Rob Studdert, where the heck are you? Help!

With gain you get noise. Like Heavy Death Metal on steroids. Needs 
filtering out. Or something like that.

Tell yuo what, I'll just go and have a lie down.


Oh, swipe me! He paints with light!
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