Bruce still have Pal tied up in the basement don't ya.
Your ninjas are getting good they got Mike to, but why
the personality switch? 

 --- Bruce Rubenstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
Hey! Pal became Bruce R2. Not the other way round.
> As far as digital 
> goes, I think this ick *ist is the most appropriate
> product that Pentax 
> could have come up with. They will also sell lots of
> them when people go 
> in to buy 10D's and the stores are out of them.
> BR
> >Why the sudden departure?
> >
> >First Pal disappears, then Bruce becomes Pal, now
> Mike is abducted by
> >aliens.. 
> >
> >weird.. really weird.
> >
> >Dave
> >  
> >

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