----- Original Message -----
From: "Boris Liberman"
Subject: On Topic or Seeking some advise

> Hi!
> The idea of (candid/stealth) street photography keeps crossing my mind
> more and more often. Since I never did this, I am asking those of you
> who are experienced in such a thing for advise. Namely, would ME Super
> and 50/1.7 lens be a good way to start. I really think that AF and
> film advance noise of ZX-L is a bad thing here.
> So what could I start with?
> I would appreciate any hints/help/advise, etc...

If you are truly doing stealth photography where you live, I admire your
Being innocuous is the best defence, dress so as not to attract attention,
and behave in such a way as to not attract attention.
At the risk of sounding insensitive to the problems in your country, those
human bombs that keep blowing your people up must have this down to a fine
Emulate them in the blending in department.

A different approach is to engage your chosen subject in some way. If they
don't feel you are a threat, they may well go about their business, aware
you are taking pictures, but not really caring.
Shel Belinkoff, a former list member, was, by all accounts a master at this.
I saw a picture of him, he looked like a walking mountain of a man,
definitely built in size large, but was able to blend in and make his

If you look like you belong, and make a point of not drawing attention to
yourself (many photographers put on a dog and pony show and then wonder why
they get pictures of self concious people), it matters little what equipment
you use.

William Robb

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