Gregory L. Hansen wrote:
> I'm having trouble figuring out why my Kalimar 500mm f/8 reflex lens,
> manual, doesn't seem to work.
> Pictures I've taken with it seemed grayish, grainy, low contrast,
> under-exposed. <snip>

I would do a couple tests. First, take a good look at the negatives. Are
they very dark or very thin compared to a negative that prints well? Thin
means you are underexposing, dark overexposing. Both could give you that
flat, grainy look you were describing.

Second. Were you shooting in program or an auto exposure mode. I don't think
reflex lenses work properly in auto exposure.

Third. If the negs were underexposed, were you compensating for shooting
snow. You should open up 1-2 stops for snow or sand.

Fourth. Inexpensive reflex lenses have a reputation of being slower then

I would test the lens on a wall indoors with and without the TC. You should
get a reading 2 stops slower with the TC on. I would also test against
another lens (not reflex) preferably telephoto at f8 you should get the same
readings which is a good way of telling if your lens is slower then f8.

Finally. As mentioned by others, inexpensive reflex lenses are notorious for
being flat with poor color and adding an inexpensive TC would only make
matters worse.

My best guesses. Underexposed negs you didn't compensate for the snow.
Overexposed negs you were shooting on auto and the set up doesn't work that

I hope this helps.


Each man had only one genuine vocation - to find the way to himself.

Hermann Hess (Damien)

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