On Sun, 9 Mar 2003 10:47:47 +1030, you wrote:

>has any one used these lenses
>put this lens on the 31mm and it becomes a 13mm or 19.5mm on the digital. it
>wont matter if it is soft at the corners cos you wont see them
>put it on the 24mm 2.8 and it becomes a 10.5mm or a 16mm on digital

I have a similar lens, originally bought for an Epson digicam to get
some wide angle closeups of machinery. 

It is a fun toy. When the images are downsampled to web resolution and
sharpened, it doesn't do too bad, except for excessive flare and

I've never had a print made from anything shot with this attachment,
so I can't speak for how well or poorly it makes prints. At full 6 mb
DSLR resolution it is soft all over, but again not as bad as some
lenses I've seen. 

Here's some shots. The primary lens was a CPC Phase 2 28mm/f2.8 Macro,
which by the way is a fairly sharp lens all by itself.

The fisheye attachment flares a lot:

...and in case you didn't notice the vignetting in the first shot:

and it's a way to get yourself, or at least your shadow, in the photo:

John Mustarde

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