Hi Lawrence,
    I think you are right in suggesting that I would be giving up allot by
not going with the 360 FGZ. I guess there are only so many corners to cut.
So it is time to be patient and save a bit longer and get the proper flash.
Thanks Peter
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lawrence Kwan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 9:16 PM
Subject: Re: Alternative to the 360 FGZ AF flash on Mz 6

> On Tue, 11 Mar 2003, Peter Patershuk wrote:
> > I am not sure if I should save for longer and buy the 360 FGZ flash for
> > Mz 6. Are there any real alternatives.
> But if you want to take advantage of MZ-6's (ZX-L in US) advanced flash
> feature, you really have no alternatives.  All the other flash and 3rd
> party ones can do the traditional TTL flash.  On the other hand, if you
> want P-TTL, High speed sync and wireless flash, AF360FGZ is your only
> choice.  Depending on your application, it may be worth the extra expense.
> --
> --Lawrence Kwan--SMS Info Service/Ringtone Convertor--PGP:finger/www--
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.vex.net/~lawrence/ -Key ID:0x6D23F3C4--

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