Mark wrote:

ZX-L (MZ-6)
ZX-60 (MZ-60)

Any new cameras introduced will be in addition to these.


But this is in total contradiction to the signal made by both the Pentax boss and 
Pentax UK. They want to reduce the number of models (Pentax UK says three and that 
seems sensible) and want to increase the sales volume of each model. They won't 
achieve this by adding *ist modesl to the current line-up. Besides, the *ist is so 
featured that it cannot happily coexist with any current Pentax slr body more than 
hinting at a revolution of the Pentax slr line-up. Also, A Pentax rep would never say 
that a camera is on its way out until the warehouses are empty. Pentax need to sell 
the cameras they have in stock now. Spreading rumors that something better will 
replace them soon is a sure way to strangle sales.


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