Herb Chong said:

> in brilliant sunlight with high speed film. that has its own compromises.
> Herb.....
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Gregory L. Hansen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 14:21
> Subject: Re: Usefulness of IS lenses
> > Some people on the newsgroups have reported and linked to tack sharp
> > pictures of birds in flight, the camera handheld while panning.  I don't
> > think you can always count on a tripod to get that kind of shot.

Near sunset.

"Well, all I can say is I just got the lens and immediately I got
incredible photos of birds flying, mode 2 of course. I don't think I
ever got a sharp one panning inflight shots with my old 300 without
IS. But my first roll with 100-400 IS I got many good ones." J. D.

When I've asked, people have generally reported 2-3 stops improvement when
handheld, but also some longer times than that, like 1/4 second at 50mm
and 1/8 second at 70mm.  I asked because I wondered if IS was more of a
gimmick.  But damn, it seems to be real, and people are getting sharp
shots with it that they couldn't have gotten otherwise.

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