I love it.  You guys keep talking about how bad the MZ-S is.  
When you get the price into the $350-400 range,
I'm gonna have a new flagship for the price of an LX.  ;-)
Regards,  Bob S.


>  >Pentax's current "flagship" - MZ-S - is, even by those on this list,
>  >considered a failure.
>  I think the MZ-S has come a little too late, just like many Pentax 
>  in the past. If it had been released 2 years earlier, it might receive a 
>  much better welcome. Timing is critical, but Pentax don't seem to get it. 
>  They also failed to emphasis the built quality of the MZ-S in their ads 
>  there is any), but wrongly emphasized its features which don't draw 
>  attention. Not that it lacks seriously,

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