> I've noticed a few jibes and pokes at the French over the past couple
> of
> days or week, what with their veto threat on Security Council.  So far
> nothing really terrible has been said, but it's starting...

I endorse what you have said, please refrain from making obnoxious
comments about the French it causes great offence to our French members
of this group.

They as individuals are not responsible for the decisions made by 
French politicians no more than I am for the decisions made by English

The weeks ahead are going to be difficult for all nationalities
associated with the forthcoming war on Iraq and though like many English
people I would have liked a second resolution in the U.N. it was not to

Now the decisions have been made I will give 100% support to our British
and American forces in their efforts to destroy 'weapons of mass
destruction' and overthrow the Saddam regime.

My thoughts are with the members of our Armed forces and their families
at this sad time and also with the Iraqi people who are the innocent
victims of Saddam's regime.

Please end the vitriol and 'gung-ho' remarks on this group, there is no
glory in war only killing and sadness.



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