Hi all.
My darkroom instructor suggested i try a roll of TP.A lot of my B&W stuff is rural,old
farms etc and he 
suggested it would be a good film to try as it can be shot at a low speed and obtain 
clear prints.
I shot one about 2.5 weeks ago,but like any good male,i read the instructions AFTER i
loaded it.The info 
on Kodaks website suggests to load and unload in complete darkness.I unfortunalte 
it in 
subdued light in my bathroom.
Am i s***ed here or will this little amount of light not effect much.I wondered about 
as the package is 
translucent,not solid like the HIE films.

Any thoughts or comments before i possible waste some developing time.
BTW it's rated it at 50 with just a standard uv filter for the test.

Dave(2 classes to go,boo hoo)Brooks             

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