----- Original Message -----
From: "collinb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 12:59 AM
Subject: ? on A70-210/4

> This question is for someone with knowledge of the internal mechanics:
> I picked one up today.  Cheap as always.
> ($35 w/ K1000 & 50/2!)
> Anyway, focus & zoom generally work ok.
> Collar is nice and firm.
> But it has a focus movement that (I think) should
> only exist when in Macro position.  But it makes
> the extra turn throughout the zoom range.
> Thoughts?
> Collin
> *

probably someone opened the lens and removed the front (focussing) element
with its focusing tube, and put it back in the wrong thread of the
multithreaded focus mechanism.


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