Wouldn't this be the correct way to print/display the digital image before starting to do comparisons with film ? If you process it with interpolation and god knows what other algorithms, then how can you jump out the gun with conclusions like "digital is smoother and has less grain" etc. If I take two images and get them through that great FixItLaterInPhotoshop (TM) technology, doing different processing to them, how can I assess the quality of the original images by looking at the processed ones ? Isn't this like comparing a camera clara painting with a photograph ?

Rob Studdert wrote:
For anyone so inclined I have posted a really rough page showing a section of the raw bayer map image captured by my Oly E-10 digicam and the subsequent "demosaiced" image.

I can help but be amazed that the output is a good as it is, lets hope Foveon is successful. I'll leave it up for a day then it's gone, beware the page is about 600kB in total.



Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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