On 03.6.7 10:53 AM, "KT Takeshita" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I do not know but I was always under the impression that Canon buy CCD for
> DSLR (Cheaper that way?).  I do not think they ever announced who is making
> their CCD.  Perhaps I can check with someone in Japan.

Hi Mark,

One of my contacts who is close to Canon confirmed that the CCD for 1D is
the outsourced item.  He did not say a thing about who makes it (he probably
knows but is not telling.  Why is it such a big deal?! :-).
He also said that Canon "in principle" would be going more toward CCD for
their top end DSLRs.  Hmmm?  Sounds like CCD is becoming cheaper, of higher
performance, less power consuming and all the good stuff, perhaps?



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