Hey, Keith, here's what I'm thinking.  It's probably best that your
current/last/present wife never know about the "irreplaceable" one.  I think
you'd want to ensure that.  You should send me some insurance, just to make sure
she doesn't find out, if you know what I mean.  You must have some nice lenses
or bodies for that purpose.  I could use a nice tripod, too.

Problem is the ~whole freaking list knows now~ so you'll have a lot of insurance
premiums to pay, if you want us all to shut up!  <vbg>

Seriously, I've got an irreplaceable one, too (don't we all?).  A middle aged
guy's dream.  I was 43, she was 27, and stunningly beautiful.  And, smart, too
(she was an architect).  Still can't figure out what she saw in me, but it was
fun while it lasted.  It had no future - in fact we both knew that when it
started, but man, what a roller coaster ride for 6 months!  <vbg>


Keith Whaley wrote:

> I'll go along with part of that...but...
> I once had a girlfriend that could not, and will never be, "replaced."
> Some women are like that, I guess.
> My present/current/last wife will never know that, but what is, simply is...
> That I'm much happier (overall) with my present wife is almost totally
> beside the point.
> And fortunately, I'll never have to explain that.  To anyone.  <rbg>
> keith

"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist
fears it is true." -J. Robert

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