>       I'm actually of the view the Drake equation is too 
> pessimetic. It's  too 
> human. Counting only plants like Earth.

One night on tv I saw a guy describing a hypothetical planet that
supported life. I was very curious as to what he would say, but he
proceeded to describe a planet...just like earth. How unimaginative, eh?

> First, one of the things that pisses me off about much sci fi that has

> to do with ET's is that aliens always bear such a striking resemblence

> to us!

Yep. The original Star Trek series had a few interesting non-humanoid
aliens, and Next Generation had a couple, but they've gone downhill from
there. I think it's much more likely that if we ever manage to explore
other planets or solar systems, we will encounter intelligent life that
we don't even recognize as intelligent, because it looks like a rock or

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