
Congrats!  Hopefully, all will turn out well - seems to be a great
contact.  Wish I could help you with some advice, but this is
something I have never dealt with before.

keep us posted on how it all goes.


Tuesday, June 3, 2003, 2:35:15 PM, you wrote:

t> Ok, all of a sudden I've become fashion boy.

t> The fashion show thing starts Thursday. I'll have at least one, and
t> probably 2, TFP shoots that day. Friday is the show, Thursday is
t> another show with a different theme, and a big party at one of the
t> trendier clubs here.

t> I ordered another AB head, the battery pack, and a load of gels,
t> diffusers and grids. I should have a 2nd 10D and a 70-200/2.8 IS by
t> Thursday, assuming someone has them in stock around here.

t> So there's that...then at my gig on Sunday, the caterer introduces me
t> to this lady:


t> She's getting married down here, is looking for a photog, the caterer
t> recommends me. Cool.

t> She calls me today...wants a headshot type promotional pic. Fine. Also
t> asks if I can do...what did she call it...the type of clothing shots
t> where the clothing is held up on a wire frame for catalog shots.

t> "Of course!"

t> A - anyone know what this is called? She had a name for it....
t> B - Is this the sort of thing where a stylist sets it up and I shoot
t> it? I'm guessing I'd just have to set up a background, but maybe she
t> has something else in mind.

t> tv

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