Drop by your local camera repair shop.  They will have an appropriate 
replacement.  (If you live on the frozen tundra somewhere without a camera shop, drop 
me a line privately and I'll see what I can scrounge up.)
Regards,  Bob S.


> I need some help here.
>  A screw must have gotten loose on my Super Program and
>  I lost it. 
>  So I have a Super Program with a screw missing (MIA)
>  under the camera, right in the center of the winder
>  advance control area. (where my MEII winder fits in to
>  advance the film) 
>  Without it, light gets to the film when I'm not using
>  my winder.
>  I found a screw that fits but the head is too large
>  and my winder won't work with it there.
>  Does anyone have a Super Program hanging around for
>  parts? I'll pay you for it. How about $5 US for a 
>  tiny screw?

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