Hi All.
Lesson 1:
Look at Ebay prior to ordering straps from local store.

Lesson 2:
Make Damn sure the release lugs on the camera bottom are
in the proper locked position and spools snug.(don't ask why i know now.lol)

Chromes look nicer than Negs,but negs are not bad at all. Still need to do a 
roll of B&W for inspection.

BTW the roll of Portra 400NC that i shot the first few at 160....Those ones look
a lot cripser/contrasty than when i went back to 400.(can really see it when viewing 
negs side by each)So now i might just shoot this stuff at 160 -200 from now on.

Anyone try action shots with their 6x7 or is the slightly slower mirror movement 
(than a 35mm)to much for a good stop action shot.???Just curious,but i'd be worried the
would freak out a green horse,as i'd have to get pretty close until i get a 135,165 or 
lens .


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