Mention of the Mir 20mm brings me to relive a particular memory of that 
hectic weekend:
2 sellers, both of eastern european extraction, both selling the 16mm in 
Pentax mount. First guy shows me the lens, front element a bit spotty "new lens, 2 
for 120euro each" - ok - what's next, another table "new, in case, 180 euro, 
no discount, only one here" - the front element on this one is also covered in 
grease marks. (Me) "new is it? Why's it covered in shit then?" What's the 
French for 'I wasn't born yesterday'? The good thing about this show is you only 
have to see these people once a year so you can be as obnoxious as you like.
 Didn't fancy any of these rejects. A real new one for 120 euro, yes. 



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