>Now that would be a sight I'd like to see on Grandfather Mountain, a bloke
>and 2 canucks !

Seeing as this is a decent off topic thread and hopefully only those sad
sacks like me and you dip in to have a look, I'll tell you about the
security guard in our Gloucester office, colloquially known as Some
Bloke. Why? Because the journalists will tell you that when they trudge
back from the town centre after downing some coffee and sandwiches, they
pile back in and Some Bloke pokes his head through from reception and
says (deep west country accent: oooh-aaarh oooh-aaarh etc) 'You 'aaad a
telephone call while you wuz out'. To which the question is posed: 'Oh
really, who was it?' And the inevitable answer: 'Dunno, some bloke'. Door


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