> Unfortunately according to the keeper 
> of the schedule and the checkbook the
> Hansons are predisposed this weekend.

That's fine since Cory is busy this weekend also. He's checking on next weekend 
(Saturday, June 21) and will probably get back to me soon. With respect to 
weather, I think (as of yesterday) Atlanta weather is going to start it's 
tropical rain forest impersonation once again (for reference, see: entire month 
of may). Hopefully we'll get lucky with some dry but overcast skies that 

PS... I think we'll have some big glass [300mm and 400mm] on hand for 
enablement if anyone is interested. Hopefully, between the 4 of us, there will 
also be some wide stuff (<24mm) for me to tinker with... or some pre-F/FA 
lenses so I can see what all the build quality hoopla is about <g>. Doug, maybe 
you can take Don up on that 200mm Pentax Macro offer from last month (if he's 
around). I'd love to put a roll thru it.

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