I have a small collection of Pentax manuals I don't need, and a few that aren't in English, so I can't read them anyway ...

Pentax MG -- original instruction manual, English
Pentax ME Super -- original instruction manual, English
Pentax Super Program -- Photocopied/bound/trimmed instruction manual, English
Pentax AF280T -- photocopied and folded, not cut or trimmed, English

Asahi Pentax ESII -- original instruction manual, Japanese
Pentax SFX -- original instruction manual and basic quick start guide, Spanish

All are in very good to excellent condition, except the AF280T, which is a mediocre but readable photocopy, and the ESII, which has some wear on the cover.

I'll mail any of them for the price of postage, but I'd like to trade for any similar or related Pentax promotional material/instruction manuals as well.


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