On June 13, 2003 03:54 pm, William Robb wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> > A side question.What material would be best to help cover a window,or
> door frame for that
> > matter. I
> > have a piece of black foam board cut to fit my bathroom window but it
> has a few tiny
> > leaks.I want to
> > place something over the frame to cut out any stray leaks(also for the
> door).We have a
> > fabric shop in
> > town.Do the home B&W printers use felt pieces or is there something
> else you like.

        If looks don't matter cardboard. Just get a piece big enough to cover. Take 
it off when not in use. Easy to replace. If looks matter go and get some 
thick cloth and make what amounts to drapes. Doubled over. 


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