> Let's say I win an auction for $10, I pay $10 for a item, do I have to pay 
> 3% or does the seller pay it (out of the $10)?

Unless they've changed it since I signed up, it works like

The person sending money never pays an extra fee to

People can get no-fee accounts if they never expect to
receive more than a certain amount of money in a single
month -- I think it's $300, but a quick check of the
FAQ on www.paypal.com will verify or refute that.

People who sign up for accounts that can receive more than
$300 in a month, get a small fee taken out of payments they

People who do a Whole Lot More business qualify for a smaller
percentage fee.

I've heard some real horror stories about PayPal (take a 
look at <http://www.paypalsucks.com>), but personally I have
not had any problem with them at all (including using their
ATM card to spend money from my PayPal account in brick-and-mortar
stores, and having money transferred from my PayPal account to 
my checking account).  I'm not too thrilled with their recent 
changes to the list of what you're allowed to buy using their 
service -- it hasn't affected me, but the some of the specifics
annoy me on a political level -- and have been considering signing
up with a competing service so that anyone who needs to send me
money but is boycotting PayPal can do so, but PayPal seems to be
the ubiquitous online payment service, and my address is the 
one htat collects money for online CD sales for The Homespun 
Ceilidh Band, so I'm not going to drop PayPal unless they pull
something that does affect me directly.

As for the fee, I just factored that into the "shipping and
handling" fee (call it part of "handling") for online CD sales,
and when friends send me money for other reasons, the fee comes
to a small enough amount that I manage not to lose sleep over

Again, the _sender_ does not pay a fee.

                                        -- Glenn

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