In a message dated 6/18/2003 10:43:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> frank theriault wrote:
> > Well, definitions evolve, especially with changes of technology.
> They don't have to. It's about usurping through confusion in name. I see
> no problem with calling an inkjet print an inkjet print. What objective
> argument exists for having to call it otherwise.
> cheers,
> caveman
> If you are consistent with that logic then a slide or transparency is not a
> photograph unless printed on silver halide photographic paper. My *personal*
> definition of a photograph is any image made with a media based camera in a
> form that allows it to be seen visually. Whether I print it at home on my
> ink jet or take it to the local lab for printing, the only 
> difference is my
> choice of media.

Ditto. What you said.

It does make me wonder, however, when 1/2 of this list is using the *istD (presuming 
it materializes, but I think it will), will some insist the list be broken in two -- 
one for film and one for sensors? 

Marnie aka Doe :-) The medium isn't always the message.

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