Yes, of course - I was talking about the Pentax tubes, as I really think
they should be compatible with *ist, at least with *istD. I guess Pentax
should upgrade them (at least as A variants), because some people will want
to use them with *ist cameras; and I'm more than reasonable asking that
(instead of full-mount compatibility). Btw: I have the Pentax auto ext tubes
set; paid 39$ sh.

Btw: I saw the *ist in a store (in Romania, I mean); I looked at it only a
few minutes. It's so small... I think, smaller than MZ-60. It's also very
light, and I didn't liked the wheel and the on/of/DOF switch. The lens mount
is metal, but the base plate seems to be polycarbonate. The body is...
well... cheap, you can scratch it easily - even the MZ-6 is much better.
However, the viewfinder seems to be nicer than MZ-6's one, with a larger
eyepiece (I think).

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 3:04 PM
Subject: Re: Why Pentax *ist (35mm) isn't good?

> Alex.
> The Kenko tubes have the AF 'screwdriver' connection. Plus all the
> connections.
> And they are available in PAF.
> Kind regards
> Peter

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