>From Matt
>Don't forget the user interface - this is one clear strike against the
>*ist, having only one dial to control shutter, aperture and exposure
>compensation.  Now, I haven't used a single dial camera for the
>requisite 6 months, but I have used my brother's Rebel 2000 a fair
>amount, and the single dial drove me nuts.  Without being able to use
>the aperture ring, that single dial is all you have on the *ist.

Yes a single dail is not so good also the Z-20 had it. But  you can choose
with it between Av, Tv and also M-mode.

The orginal message was
Some people on the list always state, that the *ist/*istD is a entry level
camera because the Pentax marketing has said that. They also said the MZ-S
it a pro camera. So let us use our own heads and look at the Pentax line up
and also at other companies where the *ist fit in.

There are five levels of cameras.

Level 1, (beginner, entry level)
Z-10, Z-70, MZ-M, MZ-50, MZ-30, MZ-60 (200 Euro)   (Nikon F55, EOS300, Dynax

Level 2, (amateur, low midclass)
Z-50p, MZ-7, MZ-6 (300 Euro)   (Nikon F75, EOS 300v, Dynax 4)

Level 3, (advanced amateur, upper midclass)
Z-20, MZ-5, MZ-5n, MZ-3 (400 Euro)   (Nikon F80, EOS 30, Dynax 5)

Level 4, (semipro, lower high class)
Z-1, Z-1p, MZ-S (900 Euro),   (Nikon F100, Dynax 7, EOS 3)

Level 5, (pro)
Pentax none (Nikon F5, Dynax 9, EOS 1)

Now look at the features of the *ist and in which level the fit in the
Pentax body line (in brackets other manufactures)

Build quatility (metal mount):  2  (2)
Mount compatiblity to manual lenses  1  (Nikon 4, others none)
Viewfinder   2 (2)
Shutter time, sync speed  3  (2-3)
FPS   3-4  (2-3)
Auto picture mode 2 (picture mode 2)
AF system (cross sensor, on screen display)   4  (2-3)
AF modes (Single, continous)     4  (2-3)
Grip (vertical release)       4  (3)
DOF   3  (3)
MLU   2-3,  (Nikon 5, 3)
Flash system  2  (2-3)
Special Funktions (film leader out, PF)  3

If you see the features, you see that only the mount compatibilty is entry
level, all others are mid class and some are on the level of the MZ-S. IF
you are saying the *ist is entry level, then your are taking only the lens
mount in account. Will a beginner will use MLU or DOF or exposer bracketing?
The *ist is a very good featured camera for the money, better than the
compititors in that price range.
We have to face it, Pentax do not support K-mount  in the midclass anymore.
Nobody else does it. And that is also right for the *istD,  which is level
3+  (compare it to D100 (from F80), D60 (from EOS30) , Sigma D9 ), that is
also a midclass camera to semi pro camera. There are no entry level or low
midclass cameras as D-SLR cameras.

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