Well, the first thing is, it does nothing to the focal length of your lens.

What happens is the sensor is smaller than a 35mm negative so you are only
using the center of the lenses' covering power. To make a print you need
more magnification (sort of like as if you made an 8x10 and then cropped a
5x7 out of it). This is exactly the same thing that would happen if you used
a lens from the 645 on your 35mm body.

Where the crap about the lenses changing focal length comes from is the idea
(and it is only an idea) that it is now the equivalent of a lens that only
could cover the smaller image. Back before the 35mm became the standard
camera and there were all kinds of  formats in common use no one would have
even thought of this confusing nonsense.

So what does change is the angle of view of the image, but that change would
be exactly the same if you cropped the image as I mentioned above. But then,
most of the people playing with digital cameras have no idea what angle of
view is.

As for switching to Canon, WHY?

In the same price range the cameras are pretty similar performance wise, the
only reason to change is if the Canon offered some feature you really need
and can not get with Pentax. BEWARE, however, that most of the stuff people
argue about performance wise is a few percentage points difference that
would not be noticeable in normal usage at all. People will nit pick things
to death. To give you an idea, my 50 year old Graphic press camera has a
lens that has maybe 1/2 the performance of a new large format lens, you
would not be able to see that difference in a 16x20 print, though I would
probable have to use a 1/2 grade higher multi-contrast filter to make
equivalent prints (the new lenses are noticeably more contrasty, in other


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 2:18 PM
Subject: Dumb Q - Pentax FA/F Lenses on *ist D?

> Removed newbie from subject line; guess I've been around long enough now
not to be a rank newbie. :-)
> Okay, I am thinking about selling my Pentax gear and switching to Canon
(mainly for the auto focus and maybe a bigger view finder -- yes, I will
probably rent one first, if I can, before I decide -- probably the Elan 7e).
> But I probably should hold off until the *ist D materializes (and I am
among the group that think it will materialize). I do have three zooms:
Pentax FA 28-70, F 70-210, Tamron AF 70-300. These, as far as I understand,
would all work on the *ist D just fine. (But I am not sure about the
aperture priority stuff, whether I can set aperture myself on the *ist D.)
> The one thing I truly do not understand, even though I've read some
threads about this -- is how would these alter regarding focal length on the
*ist D? As far as I understand it (which isn't very far), it involves
something about it not having a full sensor, so previous lens lengths have
to be refigured and basically they come out shorter or something.
> Could someone explain this to me in very simple language?
> Thanks, Marnie aka Doe

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