That's cool!  I love trivia - in fact, my whole life is a collection of trivial, 
unimportant events (but I digress...).

I suppose that around the turn of the last century, the only cameras available to the 
general public (other than big, bulky, hard to use view cameras) were Eastman Kodaks.  
I'd never heard of Kodak being used
as a verb, or as a synonym of photography, but it makes lots of sense.

Good one!


Herb Chong wrote:

> i'm reading Mark Twain's "Following the Equator" and in a few places he uses the 
> verb "to kodak" and the noun "kodak" in the sense that we use the word "photograph" 
> today. the book was written around 1897.
> Herb...

"What a senseless waste of human life"
-The Customer in Monty Python's Cheese Shop sketch

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