Pål Jensen wrote:
>John wrote:
>>This so-called "enormous cost" is an illusion put
>>about by people who think they cannot afford
>Illusion? The back alone cost $4500 at a time
>when similarly specced digital solution will
>likely cost $1000 or less.


Quoting a projected price of $4500
now will make buyers very pleased
when it sells for a much lower price.

>On thing is the case for expensive
>Leica lenses and bodies, another is
>the point in buying a Leica branded
>CCD at several magnitudes the cost
>of competitive products.

I profoundly disagree that Leica is
expensive.  The whole life cost of
owning Leica gear is probably the
lowest of any camera brand.

Of course, applying a consumer-grade
mindset to such finely engineered gear
does make it *appear* expensive, but
Leica owners don't need to change
their gear every year and a half.

>>That depends what you mean by "better".  To suggest
>>that the R9 lacks features compared with a Canon EOS
>>something-or-other does not happily sit with the same
>>person defending the Pentax MZ-S to the death against
>>the features and better performance of the Nikon F100.
>>(Such inconsistency greatly devalues your often excellent
>>contributions to this List.)
>It is no inconsistency.

Maybe not in your eyes.



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