Hey everyone,
     I ordered a film scanner on the cheap and I would like 
to put together a pseudo darkroom.  I'd like to be able to 
develop b&w film and then scan the neg. into the computer for 
manipulation.  I think all I need is a developing tank and 
reel?  I'm pretty busy right now with summer school so I was 
hoping someone who's done this could give me a quick summary 
of what to look for to order.  The basic darkroom kits for 
$80 seem overkill since they include items for making prints 
along with developing the film.  If I'm rambling it's because 
I haven't slept in a few days so what I would like to find is 
a list of items to buy just to develop b&w film and maybe 
some recommendations on chem. brand and if that's something 
better bought locally.  Thanks for your help...

|         Chris Comer           |
|        VP of Projects         |
|   UGA Habitat for Humanity    |
|   E-Mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |
|  Phone : 706-613-7405 (cell)  |

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