I just looked at the russian Zenit homepage: http://www.zenit-foto.ru/index.htm
and I found some interesting lenses in k-mount like the fish-eye lens MC Zenitar-K 16mm/f2.8 for 2530 Rubel,
the MC Variozenitar-K 25-45mm f/2.8-3.5 for 6050 Rubel and especially the new
MC APO Telezenitar-K 300mm f/4.5 for 12480 Rubel. The latter lens has 7 elements in 6 groups, focuses down to 3 meters, takes 72mm filters, has 80mm diameter, is 155mm long and weighs 990 grams. Even the resolution is given: 60 line pair/mm in the image centre, 35 lpm at the edge. (Beware: This information is visible in the russian description of this lens, only. The english version decribes a 135/f2.8 screw mount lens)

Has anybody seen or held or even tested this lens? Can it be seen or ordered somewhere?


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