This was recently posted on Leica Users Group, and I received the
author's permission to post it here, as some might be interested:

"[Sorry to break the Friday-posting rule, this is a one-time thing]

I was wandering around some used camera stores in Osaka today and found
two lenses that are of interested to the LUG and CVUG folks:

 * Pentax 43mm f/1.9  (new in box w/warrantee) - $600
 * Cosina Voigtlander 35mm f/1.2  (new in box w/ warrantee) - $1000

If you're interested in either of the two, please let me know.  The
store had two of the Pentaxes and two of the CV 35mm f1/.2s . I'm going
to the store again on Saturday, so please let me know if you're

I'll be returning to the U.S. on July 16th and you can pay me then by
Paypal, check, MO, bidpay, etc.  Shipping would be around $8 since I
live in St. Paul (Minnesota).

Please e-mail me privately ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) if you're interested.


Karen Nakamura

p.s. please don't ask me for the name of the store since I'd like to
make sure that there's still one of the lenses for me to buy for myself!


"What a senseless waste of human life"
-The Customer in Monty Python's Cheese Shop sketch

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