I tried this a few weeks back and the same trouble. Always seemed to be facing the wrong way.

I really like the lightning shot, where was it taken Alan?


Alan Chan wrote:

I have done lightning once only, back in 1990 I think. The setting was like, as I remember, Kodak Gold 200, 35mm f5.6 30s. No filter.


Alan Chan

I tried to capture some lightning strikes the other day and didn't have any
luck. The bolts always appeared in a direction other than where the camera
was pointing and then the rain came. Does anyone have any suggestions for a
good aperture to use for lightning? I was shooting at f/22 with a polarizer
so I could hold the shutter open for a long time to increase my chances but
now I'm wondering if that's too dark for the lightning to register on the
film. I determined my exposures by pointing a light meter at the sky and
underexposing by half a stop. Some of my exposures were 5 minutes long when
I allowed for the polarizing filter.

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