Collin wrote:

Pentax is now ready to lead Nikon in the consumer marketplace.
This year will be the FIRST year in the boom of the inexpensive
DSLR.  Canon & Pentax will be there in the $1200-$1500 class.
These are NEW purchases and people will need NEW lenses.
That's how money is made.

We whine too much that Pentax is behind.  But this time they're
leading Nikon & everyone else but Canon.  Kudos.


It is indeed a new market place. Pentax have virtually been absent in the slr game, 
except for the volume segments for about a decade. The MZ-S was a last kudos I suspect 
to satisfy (some) boring old farts. The new stuff is the first intallment (entry 
level) of the new generation of cameras. It is a new ballgame for everyone litterally 
due to the digital revolution.


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