Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the sales of high end film slr's remaining 
pretty steady, despite the incursion of digital?

I'll have to look that one up, and get back to y'all (no time right now), but IIRC, 
percentage of digital in overall camera sales is increasing very steadily, and the 
actual numbers of film
cameras may be dropping, but higher-end film cams are holding their own - so far...


Pål Jensen wrote:

> Steve wrote:
> Film cameras are more stable, and I really do
> think e are going to see very few really new nigh end film SLR's.
> There's just not money in them anymore, and the "pro show" cameras are
> now digital, so its' the 1Ds and not the F5 that has the most "drool"
> value.
> But they need a platform for DSLR. Also high-end ones. Providing there will be a 
> market for high-end film cameras at all, I wouldn't be surprised to see a Nikon F6 
> with a digital sibling.
> Pål

"I don't believe in God, but I do believe in pi" - Henri Cartier-Bresson

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