----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Caveman"
Subject: The elusive SG 60 LX screen

> Just put my grubby paws on one today (thanks Peter!).
> Unbelievable. Very bright with very fine grain and easy snappy focus at
> same time.
> Just a note for those looking for one: on Boz site it is described as
> similar to the SG-20, i.e. "Matte with circle and grid". Well, it does
> not have the circle, but just the grid, so it would be "Matte with
> grid". Which gives an even less distracting viewfinder.

Thanks to Peter, I out one in each of my LX's. They really do make the
viewfinder better.

William (yes, I can say good things about Pentax when they deserve it) Robb

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