Just curious if anyone has this enlager or used it at one 
time.I have a 
concern about the condenser.
I was checking the enlarger out this weekend to make sure all the pieces are still 
when i started to play with the lever that raises the condenser so the negative can 
under it and 
onto the carrier.Its been so long since i used it ii cannot remember if this is the 
for it,but, the lever 
has a lot of play in it before it makes contact with the lip on the condenser and then 
only raises it up 
very slightly.I dont think enough though.It looks to me as if it will damage the neg's 
one end.
I could probably find some sort of nut or something to put on the knobs that raise the
i'm just curious to see if anyone has experience with this and what they did.The other
thing i had in 
mind was to make a thinner carrier out of bristol board with some felt or velvet type
to help with scratching.
I found some of my old enlargements with the unit(done in 1966-69)and they look ok,no
marks etc.

Any thoughts before i ruin my lifes work<g>

Dave(big neg)Brooks


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