Hi Michael;

It is possible that they are either using a monochrome C-41 paper or are
printing on conventional B&W paper. I would compare the back of a C-41 B&W
print to one of their color prints. If the logo (if any) and the
backprinting are the same then it is almost certain that they're printing on
the same C-41 color paper with the same machine, which would put in question
the morality of charging more for the same product. Unfortunately, I have
found a lot of lab owners will do just that. Especially since most will try
to keep a somewhat competitive price for color D&P with the drugstore 1 hr.
labs. When digital first came out, labs that could print from it were
charging more per reprint then film plus a $3-4 media opening charge. $0.29
digital prints at Wal-Mart changed that quickly.


Each man had only one genuine vocation - to find the way to himself.

Hermann Hess (Demian)

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