I've only had one lense since I bought my SF-10 in 2000: an F 35-70/3.5-4.5.  I 
ordered an M 75-150/4 from Adorama and it showed up last week.  I was getting rather 
frustrated with the new lense because I could only focus it by turning what I thought 
was the zoom ring, and I couldn't find the narrow focusing ring that I was used to.  I 
just realized this morning that the wide (***wide***) ring is the focusing ring, and 
you don't twist anything to zoom in/out; you just slide the focusing ring in/out.  :-)

Seeing as this is the first lense I've bought independent of a body, I don't have much 
frame of reference to evaluate this new purchase, but I had no problems with Adorama, 
and the only fault I can find with the lense is a small scratch in the black lacquer 
on the lense hood.

    Worcester, MA, USA

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