    I had bad experience with Kodak. I got back 3 (2
slides + 1 print) rolls processed from Kodak. My local
camera shop uses Kodak lab for developing; slides are
marked as developed by Kodak.

Slide film
One roll of slide had horiztoal scratch on each film.
Scratch ran parallel to longer edge. There is no
scratch on the initial 3 black films of the roll,
which get exposed during loading. Scratch seems to
have the color of the background scene.
*Could this scratch have happened before exposure or
before exposure?
*Could it have caused inside the camera?
*At processing stage?
This is the first time it happened to me. I had shot
another roll of slide and that is fine.

Print film
This seems to be severly damaged. There are holes. 
Film is diogonally folded as if a large weight was
kept on it. Along these folds color is green.
Film was delivered without cutting it and was rolled
and kept in film cassette.

*Does the green color could be due water seeping in to
camera? I shot few shots in slight drizzle.  
*Is it possible, film was damaged before loading to
*At processing stage?

I use ZX-5n


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