After five years of loyal service and constant use, my Mac G3 300 died.
The cause of death is unknown at this time, but it wouldn't boot even
with a system disc in the CD drive and all the other drives
disconnected. Probably a mother board failure.Since most of my work is
now scanned color images for both internet stock and prints, I had to
replace it right away. Fortunately, the introduction of the very nice
and very fast G5 has dropped G4 prices precipitously. Thus I was able to
land a G4 dual processor 1.25 gig for $1500. With a gig and a quarter of
ram and a firewire scratch disk, PhotoShop flies. I also added the Apple
20 inch cinema display, which cost almost as much as the computer. But
it was worth it. Given a 3200 dpi, 150 meg scan from my Epson 3200 at
100%, I can easily see the grain structure of 6x7 Provia 100F at 100%.
Never saw that before. Didn't know the scanner was that accurate or that
the monitor could display an image at that kind of resolution. But I'm
pleased, very pleased. 

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