(Cedric Milan) wrote:

> Other than bad eyesight or stupidity, what are some reasons that the 
> meter would give erroneous readings in regards to exposure?  (I have 
> read that stray light can enter from the eyepiece, however I've tried 
> to emulate this and it does not effect the reading).  Might I have a 
> physical camera issue? The meter reacts consistently no matter what 
> the lens.

Try taking readings at 25, 50, 100, 200 and 400 ASA and see if it seems to 
be bad at 100. If so, you might have a bad spot on the variable resistor 
under the shutter/ASA knob. 

One other thing to check: you don't have the stop-down switch pushed up, 
do you? It latches up, and stays there until you take it off again.

John Dallman                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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