Wilensky) wrote:

> I had a KX for a while, and from what I remember, it was a bit louder 
> than either of my MXes. I remember wondering if the mirror lockup on 
> the KX made much difference, since the whole shutter release 
> operation sounded just as loud and seemed to give the same amount of 
> "kick" when the mirror was locked up.

I just tried my KM, which I think is the same shutter as a KX - though I 
could well be wrong. It's noticeably quieter than a Spotmatic F or an 
ESII, while they both have lenses mounted. The KM has a trace of the 
Spotmatic series ball-bearing noise at around 1/30th - after the shutter 
fires, there's a noise for a second or so that sounds like a ball-bearing 
race running down. Does the KX do that? 

Curiously enough, without a lens, the KM is much louder than the Spot F. 
This is of no practical importance, but I was interested enough to look 
further, and realised that the stop-down linkages on a K mount are smaller 
and move faster than those on an M42 body. So the noises they make are 
higher-pitched and thus more easily muffled by the body. 

Then there's the mirror movement to make more noise. An SLR is never going 
to be as quiet as a rangefinder camera, simply because so much more stuff 
moves around. But for really quiet you want a leaf shutter. The quietest 
camera I've ever used was a "Microcord" twin-lens reflex, a fifties 
British copy of a Rolleicord. The ping is quite high-pitched, but doesn't 
travel far, and people doesn't always realise that a TLR is a camera these 
days, since you don't hold it up to your eye. 

John Dallman                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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