On Tue, 29 Jul 2003 19:01:39 -0400, Butch Black wrote:

> Thanks to all who responded to the copyright symbol © question I had a few
> days ago. Playing around I found that different 4 digit numbers (with alt
> button depressed) produce different characters. Does anyone know if there is
> a log or guide or something that lists which numbers produce which symbols?

The easiest way is to check out the codes in the "Character Map"
application, though it lists them in hex and you have to type them in
using decimal.  Otherwise, do a Google search for "Windows Character
Set" or something like that and you should find plenty of resources. 
Basically, you can get any character in the Windows character set by
setting Num Lock, pressing and holding the Alt key, tapping out the
"ASCII Code" of the character on the numeric keypad, and releasing the
Alt key.


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