on 30.07.03 13:54, Alek Kozak at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I wonder the optical performance.
Haven't heard bad word about it yet. But I'll check it myself :-)

> Are you able to shoot hand-held?
At f16 and iso100 certainly not - flash will be neccessary - I should
construct similar bracket to the one Mark did. Fortunately with MZ-S and
AF360 cables won't be neccessary :-)
Of course at longer distances and open apetures it would be easily
handholdable even on overcast day and iso100. It should have nice
performance at longer distances too, as it utilizes floating elemnts

> Probably
> not but with external flash it should be very good combo. Could you write
> the price?
I have paid exactly 390 Eur in totally like new condition - no signs of use.
Best Regards

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